Friday, February 24, 2012

Mosaic Blog Post # 2

 I  do not believe that students should have to fill out resumes for electives. I think this because if a student wants to learn something, it is to build their knowledge. Students want to learn and the purpose of being in that elective is to do so. They should not have to do something they do not want to do just because some teachers believe they are not good enough for it. Children should be free to expand their knowledge, and if they decide to waste it, it's their own faults.
 Just because they wrote a letter does not mean they were sincere about it. So if the child who did not write a resume to get into a class is given less importance to the one with the letter. Even if it is an extra something it doesn't mean the student will work as hard in class. They might actually hold back the other people for fooling around and not paying attention.So, I do believe it might be a good is a good and a bad idea for students to fill out a resume, cover letter and application to take elective classes.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Mosaic Blog Post

In the article Boys and Girls Together, Taught Separately in Public School  It stated that  having girls and boys in separate classrooms showed less fighting and behavior problems than a co-ed class.  I really do not believe in this theory.Truthfully, in my experience in co-ed schools I believe that only the most active boys cause these problems. I personally have friends that are boys and we get along pretty well. It is just a matter of teachers diciplining the kids.

 Also,  kids work well together in the co-ed classrooms. It teaches people to not have a problem with working with both girls and boys.  If the teacher can't control the kids, it causes the problems that happen. In the article it says that the girls cry when yelled at. Girls are not like that. They do not cry like the teacher said. So, it is just a matter of teachers treating their students right.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Happy Birthday! Or, maybe not......

Hello again my fellow readers! Today I have chosen a post to talk about that most people think is a very exiting topic. Actually, its not. How many people enjoy birthdays? I bet A LOT of you will say I DO, I DO! Well, I don't! Just think of this, how many good things are there in birthdays.
1. Presents.
2. Friends
3. Cake, candy and ice cream.
4. Family outing. (restaurants and what not)
So these are the good things. You get to wait 365 days to get thee things. Also, it only lasts one day. You know they say, you are the queen or king of the day? Yeah, not really! Mostly, parents expect you to go off and spend your birthday with your grandparents and your family. Then, you get a highly supervised birthday party, where your parents have hawk eyes and pretty much don't let you do anything you want with your friends.So lets tally up how any bad things happen.
1. You have to wait 365 days.
2. You don't REALLY get to do whatever you want.
3.  You still have a curfew.
4. Your birthday might end up on a week day and you have to wait EVEN MORE than what you did.
5. Not everyone wants to come you your party.
6. You could get a cake that you didn't want.
7. Bad presents.
 Now who wants me to keep going? I gladly would. No, not really, I'm already too depressed. Here is one last very, super important detail I momentarily over looked.
                                               YOU GET OLDER!
Now, you believe me? Okay so now you get my depression, because every birthday you are just one step closer to your golden ages right? So, to prove my point even further, how many of you have had a bad birthday? Please do tell! Thanks for listening!

P.S I have a song to support my idea. I has the same ..... point of view about birthdays.<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Please Watch it!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Maximum Ride is awsome!

   Hello fellow bloggers! I am sorry for the lack of blog posts I have had but I am back with fresh material! I guess not many of you like to read, since you are on the computer looking at other people's blogs but, I have recently discovered a new series of books! It is called Maximum Ride! It is so much better than the boring bitter romance of twilight. For the fellow reader who actually like romance and gooey emotions stick to twilight, this post contains nothing more than action and the slight occasional crush. So, for those who thrive on action, suspense and confusion then get to your library and Barnes and Nobles!

                                       This is the flock but what they would look like as people.
  I will now give you a brief but extremely detailed (actually not THAT brief) summary of the FIRST book. This story  is about a teenage mutant girl, yes, mutant. She is 98% human and 2% ...... something else. Well any way that 2% turns out to have wings and super human strength. Max lives with five others like her. Fang, Iggy, Nudge, Gasman (don't ask he is Gasman, you don't wanna know.) and Angel. They live together as a flock, hiding from the School. Angel gets captured and the flock goes out to save her. Will she live and survive the horrors that the school contains? Or will she have a chance and be free again? Find out! Go shoo! Read the book. I promise that you will love it.
    Also, if you know the book and you read it how did you like it??