Friday, June 15, 2012


Okay, most of us kids- excuse me for insulting myself- us young adults have one thing in mind. SUMMER!! Yes, yes, I know it's all terribly exiting. The beaches, fun, carnivals, boardwalks! All things to look forward to!Lots of us have diffident summer experiences. From being stuck for summer reading or laying on some pristine beach, all of it has something different from the rest of the year,  I can remember what my friends and I did last summer. Oh, the havoc.... all the trouble.

One of the most awesome part of my last summer was, most of it, I got to go to my friend Jairo's work. But no, not an office, he's a cool truck driver. He has this special huge storage yard where he and the rest of his friends keep the trucks. So my friends Brian, Alexander, my sister and I would all go to the yard in the afternoon to play baseball. Ahhh, good times. Now that I shared mine, what's your favorite summer memories.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Beautiful places

So, this week in class my teacher, Mr. Poole, had assigned us to make a brochure for a place. We had lots of requirements, but we have partners. My partner and I, we chose a special place to make the brochure on. It was bermuda. And, even better, my partner is going there over the summer!

So, during my reaserch I found a wole bunch of cool stuff on bermuda. And for all you people who only been to beaches in New Jersey, OCEAN WATER CAN BE BLUE OR CLEAR!! Amazin right? So, I guess you guys will want to check this place out, because it's totally epic! I really want t go there one day. Have any of you readers ever been to bermuda?

Friday, June 1, 2012


There is something weird that happens once you meet someone, you ether feel like, "nope, They are not the right person for me." That OR " This person is so totally going to be my friend. I know, really weird. It's happened to me before. The different situations, I've seen them all. Or, you just met this person a couple months ago, and now you feel like they have been your friend forever.

But see, that's the thing. Friends come unexpectedly. And some people that you used to ...maybe completely disliked, but now they are your best friend. And you feel horrible for being that way to them. I did that to the two best friends of my life for a couple years for no reason. And now, they are the people I rely on to make my day. Sure, they can be slightly (more than that really) irritating sometimes, but, they are the best kind of people I know. So, the point of this was, just, be nice to everyone you meet. Don't judge someone immediately, because you could be missing the best things that could happen to you.