Thursday, December 22, 2011

Chapters of my novel

I have been recently working on a novel in my English class. I thought to get more publicity on my novel I would post chapter by chapter of my novel in a post. Of course I will be starting one by one beginning with my prologue. I hope you enjoy my novel, Girl Wars 1 !


“How could you do this?” I screeched. “You were my best friend! And now.... you do this! You swore you would never do anything to hurt our friendship!” I sobbed. I believed that she would always keep her promises. Now she goes and stomps all over it. “It wasn't my fault that you stopped talking to me after you got together with him! You shunned me aside, kicked to the dust! You forgot me!” I could just slap her. I just didn't see how she even had the heart to betray me this way. I always talked to her. I could never forget about my best friend. Sarah had always stayed by my side, always there for me to count on.  Besides, she was the one who always dodged me and Jake whenever we tried to go near her. It just wasn't fair.
“Ever since you and Jessica had that cheer accident all the attention you wanted was Jake. After that all you ever talked about was how the popular crowd was super.” “I never did that!” I screeched back.

This is just the prologue of my novel so please give it a chance I promise that it will eventually turn out good.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Christmas spirit!


Everyone knows that the holiday of Christmas is a time for giving and happiness. Lots of people decorate for holidays and keep happy music on. Parties go on around the clock for the week of the holiday. Although, there are some people who don't keep up with the holiday cheer. I really don't like those people. I also feel bad for them.  I always hope that one day all of us would just be happy and go with the holidays. What's your favorite part of Christmas or the holidays?

Friday, December 2, 2011

Two timing activities.

Have you ever had to do two things at the exact same time? I have. It's a disaster. You have to rush to get to someplace or just skip something you rather do. If you're lucky, you get a chance to do both, you know- pass the marmalade.I guessed that the solution was to pick just one thing that you are most affectionate about and go for it.Instead of your feet going faster than your head.
 You can end up exhausting yourself. It's better to do something good and strong instead of making a fool of yourself or disappointing someone. I mean, what do you think is best?

Friday, November 25, 2011


Sleepovers are super fun to go to, with your friends or couzins.Usually, you stay up in the latest hours of the night talking and playing games like truth or dare. Although, sometimes parents object to these fun activities. We all say: BUT MY FRIENDS ARE GOING TOO! When they go no we dont know your friends parents or you have to go somnewhere, when that's not even true.

Parents have the higher authority so the can say no and we have no popwer to do anything about it. If you do get lucky and have their permision it's time to PARTY! All there really is to do is talk, watch movies and play games, but it's super fun to do. Popcorn, pizza, and ice cream are all favorite snacks of the sleepover tradition. So if you do get to go to a sleepover remember to pack your toothbrush and jammies. Also, get a good nights sleep the day before the sleepover, chanses are, you probobly will not sleep the night of the sleepover. What's the best sleepover you've ever been to? If you haven't been to one who's house would you like to go to?

Image is from Google Images.

Friday, November 18, 2011


 Have you ever had a migraine or a bad head ache? Its not a good feeling. My friends and I have experienced it.
 There are a couple reasons why head aches and migraines happen:
1. stress.
2. you have a lot on your mind.
3. The weather.
 Always keep cool in the summer or warm in the winter to avoid these headaches. Keep a clear mind, try not to stress out or get in fights. That way your brain doesn't flip out.

If you get one of these infernal migraines there are several things you can do. You can close your eyes and lay back. Usually if it's a migraine the light will bother your eyes. Go to sleep or take a nap. That clears your mind off of anything. STAY STILL maybe listen to some soft relaxing music. OR the famous option: take an Advil.
 Hopefully the amount of migraines you have stays to a bear minimum. If you've had one of these demonic head aches what have you done to solve them? If not what have you done to prevent them?

The picture is from Google Images.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Pet peeve!

                                                Pet Peeve!
There are many things that really irk me and run a chill down my spine like interrupting people or people who sag. Although there is one soul thing that really drives me mad. People who spit when they talk.

Buckets of watery words
Introduction:When I have a conversation with someone I believe it is good manners and very sanitary to keep your spit to yourself.
Why:This bothers me so much because I don't want to keep rubbing myself down with hand sanitizer every time i want to talk to someone
How: This is so annoying because it is unsanitary and It becomes a bad smell on me.
Experience:One day about two months ago I came across a weirdo at the beach who decided to just start murmuring things. At first,it was murmuring things then
he turned around mid word and his spit landed right on my sun dress!

Unpleasant rain

Introduction: Who knew it rained in the library??????
Why: I positively hate it when I am reading and l see little flecks of spit on my page!!!!
How: I hate it when I have to explain to the librarian why there is spit on me and my book.
Experience: One time I was listening a read aloud in the public library and the boy reading with the big nerdy glasses decided that it was a good idea to do a lame Russian accent. Unfortunately I was sitting up front eagerly waiting for him to start the story, But as soon as he uttered the first work a flying ball of spit came out of his mouth and flew at me!

Gee, I didn’t know meteors were so liquidity!

Introduction: M y favorite subject to learn about is astronomy, but why did it have to be ruined by spit???Why: I despise it when I am at an interesting lecture and people that spit when they talk start whispering behind me. It is rude to others and it is disgusting!
How: This is annoying because it breaks my concentration.
Experience: One lovely day my mother and I diside to go to a meeting. I was so exited because I never went to a meeting before. So we sit down and two boys sit behind us.As soon as the lecture starts they open their Nintendo DSIs and started whispering game plans. As they were doing this flecks of spit narrowly hit me.

The final answer reason

So you see? The spit talking must end! For all sanitary reasons and politeness please, take care with what comes out of your mouth. Just think about how you would like it Spit talkers.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Computer Shortcuts

 How many of you are typing a story, blog or on a facebook or just a paragraph in general and get bored of having to do the same old tricks to bold or italicize something? Well bore no more! I have a lot  of cool ticks to save time and make typing eazyer.

   My favorite tricks are undrline italicize and bold because they're the ones I use the most. The tips I am about to show you are mostly really eazy to memorize because the most start with ctrl.
 Here they are:
Ctrl + B = Bold
Ctrl + U= Underline
Ctrl + I = Italics
Ctrl + C = Copy
Ctrl + V = Paste
Ctrl + X = Cut
Ctrl + A = Select All
Ctrl + S = Save
Ctrl + P = Print
Ctrl + Z = Undo
Ctrl + Y = Redo
Ctrl + O = Open
Ctrl + N = New
Ctrl + 2 = Double Spaced
  I hope these are as helpful to you as they are for me! I usually don't use the use all and double spaced but they are still there. My favorites are bold and italicized. These are great to use and I have been using them since I found out they were there. Do you know any other tricks?

Thursday, October 13, 2011


 Halloween is one of the many favorite holidays for many people. We all like to go trick-or-treating and going to awsome spooky haloween party. Also there are many places to get lots of candy treats, but make sure you stay SAFE!!!!!!   Being safe is very important for a great halloween so in this post I'll be taking about saftey and some cool tips so you can stay safe and rock an awsome costume for haloween.

   Everyone loves candy and we go door to door to ask for some but YOU SHOULD NEVER:
1.Travel alone
2. Go inside a stranger's house
3. Give out pesonal information like : First and last name; where you live; your phone number or any other confidential information.

  Make sure cars can see you so you can do something like:
 Wear something shiniy
 Have glow sticks
 AND try to keep a flash light with you, and some place for you to meet if you get lost, just in case.

   So try to stay safewhile you have some super fun trick-or-treating with friends and family!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Peace Maker post

 The quote "You must be the change you want to see in the world" spoke to me in many different levels. A good peaceful quote like this is a very significant group of words that persuades others to do things.
     I like this quote because I think this quote tells you to stand up for what you believe in and do something to make the change you want.It expresses that you shouldn't wait for something to be done for you while you sit there and wish your heart out for something that you believe in. If you stand there and just keep that change locked up for no one else to hear about it, nothing ever will be changed. So always stand up for what you believe in and do something to enter your change into the world for, it could be something we all have been waiting for and of outmost importance.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Being Nice

 Have you every been ignored or called names? It is a very bad feeling. I should know. Everyone has feelings and even though it is what is right not everyone goes with that. There is a little known saying about this : Hurt people hurt people. Instead try to be nice and help someone who is lost or hurt. A siple smile can make someones day.

   If you have been called a name or been ignored or something that is not nice dont go and snap back a nasty comment. Just keep cool and try not to respond or say something that lowers the anger, but if you turn back and say nasty things about another person pretty soon everyone in the room will be fighting. If you watch this happen or are part of this comfort the person who has been hurt. If there was one person who helped another it could set a chane reaction, soon everyone would be helped, comforted and feeling safe in no time. Remember: what goes around comes around, every action has consecuences.

Thursday, September 29, 2011


Cheer leading is a great activity most common around girls. Cheerleaders are the peppy spirit girls who cheer along american sports such as football. They put in hard work and lots of dedication to be able to do all those stunts or just to jump up and down and scream out a cheer. So in this blog post I will be talking a bit about cheer leading.
  A cheer leader must put hard work into her part to form a perfect squad. A cheer leading squad consists of a group of girls that have great spirit. Every cheer leader ha a special part. from the base girl to the one who puts together the cheer. In order to keep peppy and prepared they must put in long hours of practice. A cheer leader does this because she wants to be her best a her given part. So if you ever want to be a cheer leader get ready for  a lot of practice and hard work.

   Do you play any sports with cheer leaders cheering you on? If so which one?  

Thursday, September 22, 2011


  Space...a vast area of wonder and excitement. It contains so many things we don't know of but with the help of sience we have discovered so many amazing facts. Like now we know that there are more than one billon stars in just our gallaxy! There are so many subjects and things the wonderful eternity holds to talk and learn about. My most favorite subject is stars.
  There are three major types of stars the Red, Blue and Yellow. Yellow and Blue are the hottest of the three. Red is the coolest, a dying star. A dying star happens after a star has used up all it's fuel in it's core. After it does that it blows up and a new baby star is born from its particles. See how space is always keeping itself going?! There are many wonders in space we have not learned about but it is only a matter of time unill one of them is reveled. If you were to study space which subject would you start with?

This picture is from Google images so look up stars to check out more cool pictures!